100 classi for future eng

2019-21 100 classi for future

In 2019-20 and 2020-21 the project continued to carry out the awareness-raising activities on sustainability issues that it had been realizing for years, turning attention to the future as requested by young people worldwide in the “Fridays for future”. Hence the new title “100 classes for future”.

The project proposed training activities (editorial, scientific communication, web) on these issues to the classes and promoted the participation of schools in local interventions or significant initiatives such as the “Island of Sustainability. Acting for the planet” (Rome, Mattatoio – Testaccio, 4-7 December 2019) or Maker Faire Rome and National Geographic Festival of Sciences, which were held face-to-face until February 2020 and remotely since the beginning of the pandemic.

The 100 classi continued to make their contribution in the process that aims at making cities more sustainable and “happy”. Shared greenery was a central part of the process, as indicated since 2011 by the “100 classi Citizens Jury” experience, in which the proposal for a school garden was the most voted by the 100 classi jury of young citizens of Nettuno Municipality. Following the programs implemented, including Ecopòlis in 2010, young 100 classi citizens worked more and more in this direction and participated in the “Let’s cultivate the city” project promoted by the RES Association for the transformation of the disused section of the East Ring Road  of Rome into an agronomic garden: the “Tangenziale Verde” (Green Ring Road). Presented on May 25, 2013 at Sapienza University, the initiative had already raised the interest of students, as we can read in the beautiful article by Marco Campagna “Agronomic gardens: the green revolution starts from big cities”.


More activities were also carried out by 100 classi:

Maker Faire Rome, Palazzo dei Congressi, with particular attention to the days dedicated to schools;

Scientific Culture Week;

Rome Science Festival at the Parco della Musica Auditorium;

Impresa Ambiente Award at the Hadrian’s Temple in Rome;

visits to various exhibitions and museums.